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Clover Fox

An augmented reality project.


Clover is a simply-animated, low-poly augmented reality fox. Clover exists in game mode (as a programmable character) and in companion mode (as a pet for your desk).

Clover Fox Clover began as the first step in my quest to create a pet miniature giraffe in augmented reality. Initially designed to exist only as a companion on my desk while working, a game mode (in which Clover is a programmable character) was added later specifically to get children interested in programming during the Imagine RIT festival.

Clover Fox, a play on the expression "Clever Fox", is character that, after many hours of trial-and-error rigging and animation, adopted some of the sassier personality traits of its creator.

Screen Shots

Get Clover

Clover is available for free on the Google Play Store.
In order to make Clover appear, you must also print the target image below without altering the image's size.

Target Image


Art and Animation

After discovering the price of a rigged and textured 3D model, I decided to learn and use Blender. After following the Mushroom tutorial listed below, I created, rigged, and animated my own low-poly fox and accidentally found a passion for 3-D modeling and animation.

Both Clover's game and companion modes include 13 hand crafted animations.
